Kodaikanal is a well-known web series available on YouTube. It is about the lives of five friends who organize and plan a fun surprise trip. These are private feelings which we all treasure inside our own. Due to the shortness in time available, people don’t often have the opportunity to share our feelings with our loved ones. In the Kodaikanal online series’ casthas done a great job in executing their roles.
So let’s take an overview of these here.
- BP or Balaprabakark
Balaprabakark is often referred to as BP and has done an excellent job with this series. He hasn’t done many series, but this is a well-known feather in his hat. His role as an interloper in the series has captured the hearts of viewers.
- Harshath Khan
Harshath Khan plays the character of the hero’s friend. He is a very well-known actor since he has been in numerous roles in the past so the public is aware of his work. He is mostly featured in comedy shows and it has earned him a lot of recognition.
- Sathish
Sathish is an actor who has performed a excellent job in the show. Sathish hasn’t been in many shows and films prior to this. But, this being a element of his introduction to the world has performed extremely well. The public has embraced the series completely.
- VJ Siddhu
VJ Siddhu has the role of an gang leader in the show. He has played the role of a gang leader and performed his character as Kodaikanal web series’s castwith stunning splendor. He has worked in a variety of series and movies for a lengthy period of.
- Cam Soori
Cam Soori portrays the role of an acquaintance in the series and is not a newcomer to the films and series. Together with the group He has also performed great work and people are accepting their job with warmth.
Let’s take a look at the cast of the show now.
VK Siddhu who also been a part of the show is the one who wears the director’s hat for the series. While he’s acted well in the series, he is the one who has turned actors and got what he desired. The show has been so successful that a lot of people have watched it and have accepted it with wholeheartedly. They’ve become fans and have also viewed every episode. In addition to acting and direction, VJ Soori also wrote the script himself and was also the producer for the series and done so with complete perfection.
Cam Soori has also worked as the cinematographer for the show. Instead of acting, the actors have mainly done the crew work also. The director has also done his technical work extremely well and has played a significant role in making the show an instant hit.
This is the best Kodaikanal web series featuring castand crew.